Ultra Sonic Scaling

A cavitron is a dental hygiene tool that uses high frequency sound waves to clean teeth. The cavitrons used in our office are state of the art instruments that have proven to be a very successful tool in removing tartar from both above and below the gumline. Instead of scaling the teeth with bulky hand scalers, the cavitron ultrasonic cleaner uses oscillating sound waves to gently vibrate the tartar away from your teeth. The cavitron unit is so gentle that it can even be used for deep cleaning and gum therapy without the need for anesthesia. Having your teeth cleaned with a cavitron is a safe effective and painless alternative to traditional cleaning methods. Some of the advantages of the cavitron include:

  • Faster than traditional teeth cleaning methods
  • A pleasant alternative to hand scaling
  • Safe and effective method to clean teeth

For more information about cavitron ultra sonic scalers visit www.dentsply.com.